Monday, August 28, 2017

Star of the Week!


1st Week Pictures!

This Week!

Math: We are working on counting, number talks, guided discovery of manipulatives, and learning how to do a math lesson.  

Reading: We are learning about how to pick out a "Just right book" and how to listen to a story. 

Writing: We are coming up with ideas of what we can write about. Also, handwriting, letters A, B, C and D. 

Phonics: Reviewing letter names and sounds. 

Sight Words: I am checking individual sight words with each student. 

Social Studies: We are learning about Respect in ROAR (assembly Thursday) and how to get along at school. 

*Picture day was Monday, retakes will be in a few weeks.
*Snack cart has started. If you would still like to sign up contact the office.

*Please have a pair of extra clothes at school for accidents.
*Don't forget to sign up for SeeSaw.

*We will have our first Fire Drill and Lock Down Drill this week. 

*We will have Bus Safety and Media this week too. 

*We will be getting 2 new students soon!

*There is no school on Friday! 

Tuesday, August 22, 2017


It has been a wonderful first few days!

We have learned many routines and procedures. We have also been reviewing letter names, sounds and numbers. 

Picture day is Monday, August 28th!