Tuesday, January 22, 2013


The Unicorn-PowerPoint & Book!
This PowerPoint was created to go along with the long U story I made below, The Unicorn.
I used this mini book for teaching long U. There is a colored and black and white version (students can choose to color it). I print the pages back to back and cut them in half to save paper. Then staple the pages together with one staple.

The pages in the book and PowerPoint include:

The Unicorn
The unicorn likes to eat blue fruit.
Can you think of a blue fruit?

The unicorn likes to put ice cubes in his juice.
What is your favorite kind of juice?
The unicorn is friends with a mule.
Who is one of your friends?
The unicorn likes to play music with his flute.
Do you like music?
The unicorn always tells the truth.
That is why he is so cute!
The End

Tpt Links

Monday, January 14, 2013

Winter Projects

Winter Projects

Sight Word Trees - My first graders picked a word that they struggled with.

Place Value Trees- My second graders picked a number and broke id down into the ones, tens, and hundreds place.


Math Penguin Project- My 1st graders completed a half sheet, then made the picture to go with it. The sheet said ______'s penguin has _________ fish and _________ fish.  How many fish does the penguin have in all? ______


Compound Word Mittens- My 2nd graders and I brainstormed some wintery compound words and some words from the story we were reading.