Thursday, December 21, 2017

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

GBH Day 2!

Click on picture to enlarge!
Thank you to all familieswho were able to join us!

Monday, December 18, 2017

GBH Day 1!

Building our Gingerbread Houses with our 3rd Grade Buddies!

How to Catch an Elf!

We read the story How to Catch an Elf and made these to go with it!

Reindeer Writing!

(Click on image to enlarge)


Star of the Week!


This Week!

Math:  Topic 6 on telling time to the hour and half hour. We will also review and test the topic this week!

Reading: Summarizing and Story Elements (characters, setting, problem, solution). Plastic book bags have not been coming back to school! Please read them at home and then return them.

Writing Personal Narratives- Writing about problems and resolutions. We will also do some Holiday Writing!

Phonics: Final digraph wh and th. Words like thin, thank, math, path, whale, and when.

Sight Words: write, two, more, go, see

Science: Chapter 2 - The Design Process. We may or may not have time for science this week with all of our fun things planned.

Other Things
Tuesday At 2pm we will decorate our gingerbread house. Families may come at 2pm!
Wednesday -  Lily's Birthday, We will watch The Polar Express Movie. Students may bring a blanket to lay on and a small friend (stuffed animal) to hold.
Thursday -  VIP Breakfast. We will also finish The Polar Express Movie.
Friday -  Grinch Day = PJ Day! Mrs. Thomas' Last Day!

Monday, December 11, 2017

Star of the Week!


This Week!

Math:  Topic 6 on Representing and Interpreting Data (graphing). We will also review and test this topic towards the end of the week!

Reading: Learning about Summarizing and Story Elements (characters, setting, problem, solution).

Writing Personal Narratives- Writing about problems and resolutions.

Phonics: Final digraph ch and sh. Words like chat, such, crush, rich, flash and shift.

Sight Words: him, time, into, has, look

Science: Chapter 2 - The Design Process.

Other Things
*Please be dressing for the weather. We go outside for recess if it above 0 degrees. Students must have snow pants and boots to play in the snow. If they do not, they have to play on the blacktop. If you are having troubles affording proper winter gear, please let me know, the school has some extras.*
*Also, there has been a lot of sickness going around the classroom. If your child is sick, please think about whether or not they should be at school. We want to prevent spreading germs as much as possible.*
Friday -  1 can of frosting and decorating supply due. I have had families bring the decorating supplies, but not the can of frosting. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me! Also, if you would like to come for the decorating, please return the blue volunteer slip at the bottom of the page.