Our class reading goal is 300 Books by February 26!
Week #1 - 66 Books
Week #2 - 73 Books
Week #3 - 61 Books
Week #4 - ??
We still need to read 100 more books to meet our goal of 300 by February 26. That means each student needs to read at least 13 or more books our last week.
As a class that is at least 20 books a day!
Please make sure you and/or your child are recording the books they are reading on their yellow popcorn sheet in their clear plastic book bag. I have noticed that some sheets are empty and the sheet has been in their for 3 weeks....does this mean your child isn't reading at home? Ahhh!
If we meet our goal we get a popcorn party and get to watch the teachers perform a dance for the entire school! We must meet our goal by Friday, February 26th!!!